Day Care Centers in Tbilisi and Kutaisi

The FSG Day Care Centers provide children with disabilities with a place where they can develop their functional skills, enhance their social integration, have consistent interaction with highly trained specialists, and develop to the best of their unique and individual abilities.   We provide help and hope for these children and their families. 


We launched the first Day Care Center in Tbilisi in 2004, and in 2012 we opened a second Day Care Center in Kutaisi.  Both FSG Day Care Centers serve children ages 6 - 18; we can accommodate 55 children in the Center in Tbilisi and 20 children at our facility in Kutaisi.  We are open Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 5:00pm. 

The Day Care Centers provide each child with:
  • A personalized development plan created specifically to address each child's habilitation and rehabilitation needs
  • Rotation through 5 general education programs daily, to provide a variety of developmental and educational skills
  • Daily round trip transportation to and from their home 
  • 2 well balanced, nutritious meals a day
  • Ratio of approximately 1 special education teacher for 3 - 4 children. 


The daily routine at both of the First Step Georgia Day Care Centers has been developed to be engaging, interactive and  educational.  We base our activities on the principle of “learn through play”.

Children are divided into groups according to age and abilities. Each group has a maximum of 8 children and is overseen by special education teachers and a care giver as they go through their day.  

Each child receives support and services from our team of staff members, including a psychologist, pediatrician, social worker, occupational therapist,  speech therapist and trained caregivers.  Working together, this team creates specialized skill and/or educational training programs for each child, in order to help each one pursue their particular needs.  

All children participate in the 5 general programs we offer.  This general development rotation includes:

Ana-Bana develops the reading, writing, and arithmetic skills of children. Reading and writing activities are modified according to ability of each child. Computers and interactive methods are used to enhance learning.

Physical activities aim at developing the gross and fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. The children participate in different sports games according to their capacities. 

Art also develops hand-eye coordination, provides brain stimulation and gives the children that all important time to have fun and get their hands dirty! 

Science gives the children entry to the wider world through geography, history, and natural sciences. The program is fully adapted for the children abilities.

Sensory Room (Tbilisi location only) - The sensory room enhances the physical and intellectual development of the children through specially designed sensory materials that engage sight, sound and touch.  Here children play independently (with supervision), follow activities planned by a teacher, or simply relax and enjoy the surroundings.


Services for children with Autism.  Autism is developmental disability that displays primarily through limited capabilities in verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction abilities.  Children with autism often experience problems in using verbal communication in a rational social context and in interacting with others - this can show itself through behaviors such as avoiding eye contact and physical touch.  Autistic children can also show sensitivities to over-stimulation, such as avoidance of bright lights, loud or repetitive sounds,  being in situations where there there are too many people. 

First Step Georgia has extensive experience with children with autism and has developed an environment where autistic children are able to begin to develop their potential and to better express themselves. Our autistic children study with a slightly different program that takes into consideration their particular needs and sensitivities.